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Located in the base of the historic Brewster Building, a Chicago
landmark, this ice cream parlor was designed to create an enjoyable
and fun space for families. Constantine D. Vasilios & Associates, Ltd.
started with what may be considered a small dark space with eight foot ceilings and
created a design that felt grand. This was accomplished through the use of mirrors and varied ceiling heights. The parlor has the effect of being a large
volume of space within small square feet dimensions. Linear booths and vaulted ceilings were employed
for the memory of an ornamental environment with milky lacquer
surfaces, reflections, and stimulating faux finishes.
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C a m e r o n ' s O l d
F a s h i o n e d I c e
C r e a m P a r l o r
• C h i c a g o , I
L |
5215 N. Ravenswood Avenue, Suite 209, Chicago, IL 60640 · T. 312.431.0331